Saturday, April 10, 2010

Reading Horoscopes a Day Late

Yes, I've been lax -too long since the last posting here.
And this one has nothing directly to do with SCA or near-death or those first ten minutes.

I just sent a horoscope to a friend who shares my "sign". Yes, I think horoscopes are incredibly silly; reading horoscopes is just a waste of eyesight ---- but how bad is it to read your horoscope a day late? If I ever write that great American novel, or even a mediocre one, I'll have to get that in the title. Or perhaps it would best be the title of a country-western song. But I do sometimes read them late - I get to the paper the next day and I STILL read the silly things.

I described it to my friend as the worst horoscope in the history of horoscopes. Here it was:
Sagittarius. "If you're inhaling a whiff of ambition, you'd be wise to ignore it. It is much too easy to overestimate your abilities or [be] too enthusiastic about something that may prove to be false".

As I said when I forwarded it to my Sagittarius friend: They just should have written "Don't bother. Go back to bed. Try again tomorrow".

Yesterday, I was walking on a deserted beach (yes, we have one here - Masonboro Island) musing about my future (an endeavor not for the faint of heart if your heart has taken to stopping). I am a lawyer in my 50's. Here's the funny part - I BECAME a lawyer in my 50's. Before that, I had worked in the business end of health care. Law School was both horrible and exhilarating at this age.

I've been a lawyer nearly 2 years and my work has been business, corporate law, mostly but not exclusively for health care businesses. Yesterday, as I did what I love best - be outside on a magnificent day, surrounded by salt water, cacophony of sounds presented by birds --- feeling sand beneath my feet --- I was considering if this is the work I really want to do. I enjoy it, I think I'm pretty good at it, I can make a reasonable amount of money working not too strenuous hours, but I wonder.

Is it nuts to think about shifting gears again and doing work to protect this coast I love so much?

Thank God I didn't read that horoscope on the right day......

1 comment:

  1. Marty!

    How about those "Chinese Fortune Cookies" made in Queens, NY? Are they legitimate? They say one has to eat the whole thing for the 'prediction' to come true. I've eaten all of mine, of course, but I don't know if I was supposed to eat the paper.
    Well, (and this is TRUE) I had a fortune cookie Thursday evening and it said,"Someone from the past will reappear and it will be fortunate."
    After reading your article, I see that it must be you. You have special knowledge of hospitals, law and sudden cardiac arrests. Please reappear. I have something to ask you. It may give you a new direction at this late stage. On weekends, you could still stalk the deserted beaches and protect them. (Good idea, by the way.)

