Saturday, April 2, 2011

Courage Can Be Optional

Courage is a big word; cowardice is a big word – we normally think of them in terms of grand, public, physical and/or moral acts.  But for me – I am not a soldier, not a fireman – my courage and cowardice play out in the small private choices of my life.  
Courage, cowardice, recklessness  - how we choose to respond to the inevitable fears in life.  Fear can be helpful; it keeps me from ever seriously considering bungee jumping or playing with a snake.  
The choices are personal - to bungee jump seems reckless - the risk of harm outweighed the benefit.  But I love scuba diving – an activity others might call reckless. Each of us finds our faint and fuzzy lines among the three choices - but, there are some acts in our relationships where the choices are clear.  Women remember Carrie Bradshaw  - someone broke up with her on a post-it.  No question – cowardly.  There is no scenario where the post-it-wielding guy is not a coward.
We all act bravely at times and cowardly at others, and probably all try to avoid whatever we define as reckless.  It seems some people tend more towards cowardice, I think because they cannot bear the feeling of being afraid, they cannot bear to be uncomfortable – they will avoid it at almost any cost.  They will run for cover.  They might be bungee-jumpers, but in moral choices – they run for the hills. 
Most of us admire courage.  We respect courage. We seek to emulate courage.  As an adult, in my range of relationships, I don’t think I have often been a coward.  But sometimes playing with one who leans towards cowardice can be an act of great recklessness.   Very very risky.  Right up there with bungee jumping.


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