Monday, December 14, 2009

Things I miss

I was musing whilst on the elliptical machine.... It's mid-December and I really don't care much for the holiday season anymore. I used to, but have not for a number of years. Another story for another day.

But I was thinking about what is different these days. I had one of those flashes of terror today. Probably because the elliptical was at rehab and I could hear ambulance sirens and even the occasional helicoptor coming to the port (when I was inpatient a few months back, I tried to figure out whether a given coptor was dropping off or picking up - this is what we do to pass time...).

Back to what I miss - that flash of terror was about Sudden Cardiac Arrest - did that actually happen to me??!!! There is a gap between the things that happened that day and what I remember happening. And I'll be honest; I haven't been eager to fill in that gap. But I was in one of those ambulances for transport between Hospital A and Hospital B - and I wondered, on my elliptical today, was the siren on? That's when the terror wave passed over me. Then I realized that these waves of terror are becoming like the occasional cigarette cravings we get when we first quit - it can be a strong, vivid craving, but we are confident nonetheless that it will pass without doing harm.

Even so, I miss the innocence of not having that terror of SCA. I think mostly we pass through our routine lives without any moments of sudden, real terror. Unless you get held up or mugged or caught in a hurricane - we don't have much terror. And I would like my moments of terror to go away again. I could live without them.

What else do I miss?
- the two sides of my chest feeling the same. Now, there is a 'bulge' in one side where the defibrillator Skippy lives. I fear a mammogram and am secretly, guiltily relieved that the guidelines may change to every other year......I miss not thinking like that.
- I miss not having foreign things in my body. Yes, I know, I am supposed to feel relieved and reassured that Skippy is in there, but still - I'd rather not. And there is a new George Clooney movie out where he, the seasoned business traveler, is being instructive with a younger colleague - on the subject of getting through security - he advises: never line up behind the elderly, their bodies are LITTERED with metal. I am not elderly, but I am getting littered and I miss being un-littered with metal (although, truth be told, there is metal in a knee as well).
- I miss riding my bike without a helmet. Yes, yes, I know - the helmet is prudent but now it is "doctor's orders" - me being me, I always wear the helmet. Ah, the sensation of wind blowing through the helmet plastic.
- I miss driving fast on a highway. I don't think I will ever again drive 80. Not that I should anyway, but ....
- I miss scuba diving without the fear that Skippy will fail or Skippy will fire without needing to - or I guess that he will fire WITH needing to. I can't say worry-free diving b/c I always worried a little.
- And here is the weird one - I miss my driver. I don't miss being unable to drive, but I miss DD (Driver Dude). His type of big black truck is such a common vehicle here in Coastal Carolina; I seem to see them everywhere. His is extremely distinctive from the front and pretty distinctive from the rear --- so my disappointment that it's not him is quick and complete. This has taken me by surprise, the missing of DD.

Mostly I miss the "before" life. Life without this worry, this reality, these facts I don't much care for.

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